E-Heza Documentation

Do No Harm Policy

TIP Global Health envisions a world in which high quality healthcare leads to inclusive, empowered, and healthy communities. To achieve our goals, it is critical that TIP mitigates the risk of harm while maximizing benefits to all stakeholders. TIP Global Health and all associated organizational entities, including E-Heza Data Solutions, holds itself accountable to the highest standards of protection for our staff, partners, patients, and community members at large. TIP operates under strong ‘do no harm’ principles in all aspects of our work. To support these principles, specific policies, procedures, and strategies have been established.

  1. Ecosystem Approach

TIP Global Health recognizes the importance of considering the risk of harm not only to our target beneficiaries, but the unintended harm on the wider social and structural ecosystem where we work and where our beneficiaries live. TIP has established policies to protect individuals and procedures to ensure protection of the broader environment. We conduct thorough baseline assessments and landscape analyses for each new initiative and for each new geographic location. TIP considers key relationships between individuals and systems to understand how our intervention might affect the community from an individual, interpersonal, and system perspective. In addition to standard metrics that are used for monitoring and evaluation of TIP programs, the Herth Hope Index-Kinyarwanda is used to assess stakeholders’ level of hopefulness. The following policies support this commitment.

  1. Stakeholder Voice and Respect

TIP Global Health is committed to ensuring respectful and culturally appropriate treatment of all staff members and stakeholders. TIP actively engages stakeholders to collect feedback, and we prioritize engagement of those who traditionally have less voice. Policy frameworks have been established to facilitate traditionally marginalized populations.

TIP works in true partnership with government officials at the local, regional, and national levels from the start to align with their priorities, protocols, and existing structures, by sharing information with all who need it, and by developing solutions on the frontlines that are self-sustaining and easily replicable. TIP designs a mechanism for communities and frontline health workers to provide feedback to government officials.

TIP’s local on-the-ground expertise and community-driven solutions are key to lasting improvements and quality of care. All of TIP in-country staff come from the communities we serve. We know that local leadership is crucial to the design, implementation, and effectiveness of our programs for the betterment of people’s lives. TIP’s experienced team apply and adapt the best thinking and most transformative approaches to solving persistent health challenges. TIP builds strong relationships with community stakeholders by listening, learning, and co-designing for successful solutions.

  1. Privacy and Confidentiality

TIP Global Health is committed to the privacy of all stakeholders, including but not exclusive of staff members, partners, patients, and community members at large.

Last Modified: 1 January 0001