E-Heza Documentation

Personas & Workflows



A nurse works in a health center and is charged with direct patient care as well as administrative work and record keeping. The nurse sees patients in large group encounters as well as in individual encounters for nutrition screening, antenatal care, and acute illness.


  • To record crucial patient information efficiently and accurately
  • To improve the health outcomes of their patients.


  • Relief from extra administrative work that removes focus from patient care.
  • Accurate tools for reporting history and progress back to patients.
  • A digital tool that works in low/no bandwidth condition.


Nurses are paid professionals, focused on patient care, who are particularly impacted by frustrating user experiences and poorly functioning digital tools.

Community Health Worker

A community health worker (CHW) is a volunteer who provides screening, referral, and basic diagnostic services at a patient’s village. CHWs have specific antenatal and postnatal responsibility. They also provide assessment, classification, and treatment or referral of diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria, and malnutrition in children younger than 5 years of age. Their work is coordinated by the catchment area they serve.


  • To ensure that pregnant women deliver in health facilities and receive professional health services at required intervals.
  • To provide screening for illnesses and frontline care or referral services when necessary.


  • Education and guidance for basic diagnosis according to existing protocols and best practice.
  • A way to organize their work and track patients through episodic care.
  • Accurate tools for reporting history and progress back to patients.
  • A digital tool that works in low/no bandwidth condition.


CHWs are volunteers with varied experience and training in clinical work and with digital tools. Their work is mostly protocol driven and is designed to direct patients to professional care when necessary.

Data Manager

A data manager is responsible for reporting data collected in a health center into government data repositories. Their work consists mainly of converting paper-based records into both individual and aggregate digital records.


  • To accurately fulfill the reporting requirements for government programs and protocols.
  • To demonstrate success or challenges at the aggregate level for health outcomes at a health center or catchment area.


  • A digital tool which reports both individual data and aggregate data in a format consistent with reporting requirements.
  • Automation of the transfer of individual data to government repositories.


A data manager is concerned mainly with the accuracy of data and the efficiency with which it can be processed upstream.


E-Heza patients fall in the following categories and are encountered by one of the healthcare workers above in one of the workflows below.

  • Mother/Caregiver
  • Child
  • Pregnant Woman
  • General Patient (any patient with an acute Illness)


  • Good health outcomes form themselves or their child.


  • Education, information, and recommendations for medical conditions and episodes.
  • Treatment for medical conditions
  • Referral services for complicated medical conditions


Patients may not have immediate access to professional health care workers or information and they may not be familiar with the care required for a particular medical condition or how to access it.

Current E-Heza Workflows

Encounter TypeContextPersonasActivities/Measurements
Group Nutrition- FBF Groups of up to 150 mother/child pairs- PMTCT groups of up to 30 mother/child pairs- School groups of up to 200 childrenNurse, CHW (village) Patient (Mother/Child)Height, weight, MUAC, photo, nutrition signs, family planning.
Individual Nutrition- CHW visits to villageCHW, Patient (Child)Height, weight, MUAC, photo, nutrition signs
Antenatal Care (ANC)- pregnant woman visits a healthcare centerNurse, Patient (Pregnant woman)Pregnancy dating, medical/obstetric history, physical examination, family planning, patient provisions, danger signs
Acute Illness- CHW visits to a villageCHW PatientSymptom review, exposure/travel history, prior treatment, physical exam (respiratory rate, body temperature), next steps/referrals

Last Modified: 1 January 0001