E-Heza Documentation

Pregnancy - Health Center Workflow

This module allows midwives and nurses to provide full-scope antenatal care services. The module is trimester-responsive while ensuring tasks expected in earlier trimesters are completed if a pregnant woman accesses care later in her pregnancy. It features automated calculations for the estimated due date, gestational age, and Gravida/Para.

The Antenatal Care (ANC) module at the Health Center works collaboratively with the CHW module. A nurse at a Health Center can see what has happened in CHW visits and seamlessly continue care.

There are nine main activities in the ANC module. Activities appear in the main tray of E-Heza depending on which of their ANC visits a patient is on. The activities are Pregnancy Dating, History, Examination, Family Planning, Medication, Malaria Prevention, Medication Distribution, Danger Signs, Labs, and Photo.

Pregnancy Dating confirms the last menstrual period (LMP), which in turn informs the Estimated Due Date (EDD) and Estimated Gestational Age (EGA). A nurse is able to confirm the LMP entered by the CHW if a CHW has been seen previously.

History is comprised of three sub-activities Obstetric History, Medical History, and Partner Information. These work together to inform Gravida and Para, as well as identify any previous complications during childbirth. E-Heza also screens both the mother and the partner for HIV, while also providing health education to both.

The examination is comprised of five sub-activities Vitals, Nutrition Assessment, Core Exam, Obstetrical Exam, and Breast Exam. E-Heza uses these sub-activities to ascertain if there are any symptoms that could cause a complication in the pregnancy and/or the birth of the child.

Family Planning notes what, if any, methods of family planning will be used by the couple after the conclusion of the current pregnancy.

Malaria Prevention details if a mother has received a mosquito net.

Medication Distribution details if a mother has received iron and folic acid supplement.

Danger Signs outlines if a mother is currently experiencing any danger signs which would implicate a larger issue or indicate she is a high-risk pregnancy (e.g. vaginal bleeding or fever).

Labs are run at every ANC visit at a Health Center. E-Heza currently runs labs for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Malaria, Blood Group, Rhesus, Urine Dipstick, Random Blood Sugar, and Hemoglobin.

The photo activity allows E-Heza to visually track the progression of the pregnancy - and the patients love to see them as well!

See the ANC Module in action below:

Last Modified: 1 January 0001