The Nutrition Module at the CHW level allows early detection of malnutrition in children at the community level, allowing them to be referred to a health center nutrition program.
There are five activities in the Nutrition Module at the CHW level: MUAC, nutrition, height, weight, and photo.
MUAC collects the circumference of the child’s arm in centimeters and indicates immediately with a red or green arrow if the child is above or below where they should be.
Nutrition collects data regarding visible signs of malnutrition in a child (e.g. edema or brittle hair.
Height collects the height of a child in centimeters, automatically calculates their Z-Score, and highlights with a red or green arrow if they are above or below where they should be.
Weight collects the weight of a child in kilograms, automatically calculates their Z-Score for height and age, and highlights with a red or green arrow if they are above or below where they should be.
Photo is used to track the growth of a child. A favorite feature among children, parents, and healthcare workers!
Once all assessment data is entered, built-in decision matrices diagnose malnutrition (underweight, stunting, wasting, and acute), considers danger signs such as edema, and then recommends next steps based upon the severity of the diagnosis.
Last Modified: 1 January 0001