E-Heza Documentation

Standard Pediatric Care Visit

The Standard Pediatric Visit module (SPV) at the Health Center focuses on the health and development of children under 5 years of age. Complete with early childhood development (ECD), nutrition, and immunization tracking, SPV helps ensure that young children are on track in all aspects of development.

There are 6 main activities in the SPV module: Danger Signs, Nutrition Assessment, Immunizations, ECD, medication, and photo.

Danger Signs is comprised of two sub-activities: symptom review and vitals. This sub-activity is used to immediately identify if there are any acute or more pressing illnesses with the child before continuing with the exam.

Nutrition Assessment is comprised of five sub-activities: height, head circumference, MUAC, nutrition, and weight. These combine to alert the Nurse if a child is malnourished or shows signs of macro/microcephaly. If a child does show signs of malnutrition, a nurse will then be able to recommend the child to the correct nutrition program - which is also tracked in E-Heza.

Immunizations tracks that a child is up to date with all of their required immunizations. Children in Rwanda, as of Fall 2021, receive the following immunizations: Oral Polio Vaccine, Inactivated Polio Vaccine, DTP-HepB-Hib, PCV 13, Rotarix, Measles-Rubella, and HPV (only for girls at age 12).

ECD tracks key developmental milestones over the first 5 years of life. Examples include: turning from their tummy to their back and making consonant sounds to playing make-believe as they are older.

Medication is used to ensure that children are getting the appropriate doses of Vitamin A, Mebendazole, and Albendazole depending on their age.

Photo is used to track the growth of a child. A favorite feature among children, parents, and healthcare workers!

Last Modified: 1 January 0001